Rockin’ The Mohawk
Ah, Lake Placid. Where the women are strong, the men are handsome, and the design is all above average. Michael just returned from two sun-drenched days (and two extremely late nights) serving as one of the judges in the annual Mohawk Show.
Fellow Designers
We just returned from the AIGA Los Angeles Fellows Gala and what a spectacular evening it was!
Total Request Live
You might not know that Michael was better known in some circles for his DJing than for his design work back in the day. Today, Michael returned to his roots when he appeared as a guest on the season finale of Debbie Millman’s radio show Design Matters.
Should you find yourself near a newsstand this month, do pick up the recently redesigned Los Angeles Magazine where you’ll see this year’s AIGA Los Angeles Fellows advertorial
Big in Britain
Our UCLA Extension cover was featured in England’s incredible Baseline Magazine.